Silverfall Patch Download
Aby wygrać, gracz musi obrać stronę między dwoma wielkimi władzami, które dzielą świat : naturą i technologią. Przez jego przygodę i podczas każdego poszukiwania, gracz będzie w stanie sprawiać, że wybory zabiorą go w jedną lub drugą stronę.
Zmiany w Silverfall Patch
DESIGN • Fix: Teleport dialogue after archmage. • Fix: Koroziom's palace is no longer accessible if you haven't killed the 5 shadows. EDITOR • Fix: "RebuildGrass Region" in Mod Edition. • Clean up in the menus for release. The expert mode can be enabled by adding "MenuMode Tef" in the "start.ini" file. • Fix: Crash when selecting "kinematic" in the physic options of water puddles. • Clean up in the class files by eliminating unused classes. GAMEPLAY • Fix: If the 'A lady's keepsake' quest is completed, the reward given does not match the reward offered in the dialog. • Fix: Shadow Resistance is incorrectly listed as Black Resistance. • Fix: In the Element cathedral, dialog and quest problem when the user's character approaches Dark king. • Fix: Reward of the 'Gaia's challenge' quest. • Fix: Skill description 'Protective Bark', Black Magic resistance. • Fix: term "Po" used instead of "Gold" in various dialogues. • Fix: dialog problem in the first companion quest Morka the benevolent. • Fix: reward for Delivery of a boat kit quest.