BitTorrent++ Download
BitTorrent++ alpha to poprawa klienta BitTorrent. Aplikacja napisana w języku python, działa na każdej platformie obsługiwanej przez wxPython. Radzi sobie ze ściąganiem kilku plików w jednym oknie, minimalizuje zużycie systemu.
Zmiany w BitTorrent++
The only thing this release fixes is the problem of finshed downloads not getting moved from the temp to the incoming directory. · Furthermore this will be the last version of BitTorrent . Upon request of the developers of the original BitTorrent client we will rename the project. Also the first release under the new name will be some time from now. Currently I'm occupied with my Abitur and after that I'll think on how to continue BT . It WILL be continued, but as I'm not really pleased with all the code (I'm of the opinion that it is a real mess) I could end up rewriting it. Perhaps even in another language than Python